Results for 'Demetrios E. Lekkas'

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  1.  23
    An epistemological framework to appreciate the limits of predatory publishing.Konstantinos G. Papageorgiou, Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva & Demetrios E. Lekkas - 2022 - Science and Philosophy 10 (1):7-19.
    The concept of “predatory” publishing, despite many studies of the phenomenon, continues to be unclear. This paper visualizes this topic through an epistemological perspective, claiming that these limitations emerge from an impressionism of idealization, the entrapment of cause and effect induced by a journalology-based perspective, and entrenched fantasized extraction, imagination and divination of what constitutes the truth, in essence, a path never followed by an _epistēmōn_. Reality, proof, verification, recorded observations and their interpretations have been pivoted to fit the theoretical (...)
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    Researcher Views on Changes in Personality, Mood, and Behavior in Next-Generation Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick-Quenet, Katrina A. Muñoz, Lavina Kalwani, Richa Lavingia, Laura Torgerson, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Stacey Pereira, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):287-299.
    The literature on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises concerns that these technologies may affect personality, mood, and behavior. We conducted semi-structured interviews with researchers (n = 23) involved in developing next-generation DBS systems, exploring their perspectives on ethics and policy topics including whether DBS/aDBS can cause such changes. The majority of researchers reported being aware of personality, mood, or behavioral (PMB) changes in recipients of DBS/aDBS. Researchers offered varying estimates of the frequency of PMB changes. A (...)
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    Researcher Perspectives on Data Sharing in Deep Brain Stimulation.Peter Zuk, Clarissa E. Sanchez, Kristin Kostick, Laura Torgerson, Katrina A. Muñoz, Rebecca Hsu, Lavina Kalwani, Demetrio Sierra-Mercado, Jill O. Robinson, Simon Outram, Barbara A. Koenig, Stacey Pereira, Amy L. McGuire & Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:578687.
    The expansion of research on deep brain stimulation (DBS) and adaptive DBS (aDBS) raises important neuroethics and policy questions related to data sharing. However, there has been little empirical research on the perspectives of experts developing these technologies. We conducted semi-structured, open-ended interviews with aDBS researchers regarding their data sharing practices and their perspectives on ethical and policy issues related to sharing. Researchers expressed support for and a commitment to sharing, with most saying that they were either sharing their data (...)
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    Laicità e diritti: studi offerti a Demetrio Neri.Francesco Aqueci, Lia Formigari & Demetrio Neri (eds.) - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    Conhecimento e indeterminação em Bergson.Demétrio Rocha Pereira & Gabriel Cunha Hickmann - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):79-90.
    This article reviews Bergson’s proposed solution to the classical mind-body problem, confronting his system with previous alternatives, but mainly Kant's. To this end, it offers an analysis of Matter and memory’s main argument, aimed at discerning its consequences for a competing definition of knowledge.
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    Arthur Danto e la questione formale.Demetrio Paparoni - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35:311-314.
    Arthur Danto è figura di spicco della critica d’arte contemporanea nordamericana. I suoi saggi, le opinioni espresse su The Nation (è dal 1984 che occupa le stesse colonne una volta affidate a Clement Greenberg) o su Artforum hanno una forte presa sulla scena artistica. Danto è una figura anomala nell’ambito della critica d’arte in quanto, pur essendo un filosofo, frequenta gli studi degli artisti e le gallerie, comprese quelle più radical. La filosofia e la critica d’arte utilizzano linguagg...
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    Arte e poststoria: conversazioni sulla fine dell'estetica e altro.Demetrio Paparoni & Arthur C. Danto (eds.) - 2020 - Vicenza: Neri Pozza editore.
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  8. Pedagogia e politica: tempo privato e tempo pubblico.Duccio Demetrio - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:173-178.
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    Bioetica e società italiana: appunti per un bilancio.Demetrio Neri - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (3):361-386.
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    Mimmo Paladino, la croce e il labirinto.Demetrio Paparoni - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:119-122.
    While walking within the installation, even though moving among its elements, the image cannot really be grasped in its entirety. Hence, Paladino deals with three distincdy contrasting concepts: the part refers to the whole; the part has totality in itself; the part refers only to itself (being unable to take in the totality of the image, the part can only be related to as an autonomous fragment). And the different positions are incompatible because many believe they can experience the whole (...)
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  11.  25
    The structure underlying core affect and perceived affective qualities of human vocal bursts.Demetrio Grollero, Valentina Petrolini, Marco Viola, Rosalba Morese, Giada Lettieri & Luca Cecchetti - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):1-17.
    Vocal bursts are non-linguistic affectively-laden sounds with a crucial function in human communication, yet their affective structure is still debated. Studies showed that ratings of valence and arousal follow a V-shaped relationship in several kinds of stimuli: high arousal ratings are more likely to go on a par with very negative or very positive valence. Across two studies, we asked participants to listen to 1,008 vocal bursts and judge both how they felt when listening to the sound (i.e. core affect (...)
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    Hē praktikē philosophia tou Aristotelous.Dēmētrios N. Koutras - 2002 - Athēnai: [S.N.].
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  13. Le metamorfosi dell'anima E gli stadi Della via spirituale: Considerazioni intorno a al-sayr wa-l-sulûk ilâ maliki-1-mulûk dello shaykh qâsim Ibn salâh al-dîn al-khânî di aleppo (1619-1697). [REVIEW]Demetrio Giordani - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (3):117-134.
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    Introduzione.Demetrio Paparoni - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:3-4.
    Un autore che esprime la propria visione del mondo attraverso immagini può essere considerato un filosofo? La filosofia è un dialogo tra quanti si confrontano entro gli orizzonti che il pensiero ha sedimentato nel tempo. Chi si esprime attraverso l’esclusivo esercizio delle arti visive o della musica non può essere considerato filosofo, questo nonostante l’artista esprima la propria visione del mondo al pari del filosofo. Ciò non impedisce a un autore che crei immagini o azioni o suoni di esp...
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  15. Educazione e politica. Che fare?P. Bertolini, G. Venturi, D. Demetrio, M. Callari Galli & V. Baruzzi - 2004 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 15.
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    Pensadores norteños.Demetrio Ramos Rau - 2004 - Trujillo, Perú: [S.N.].
    Vida y obra de cuatro ilustres pensadores norteños: Hildebrando Castro Pozo, Mariano Iberico Rodríguez, Antenor Orrego Espinoza y Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. Con énfasis en el pensamiento filosófico, sociológico y político de cada uno.
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    Storia e poststoria. Una conversazione1.Arthur C. Danto, Mimmo Paladino & Demetrio Paparoni - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica (35):49-58.
    A conversation between the artist Mimmo Paladino, the philosopher and art critic Arthur C. Danto and the curator Demetrio Paparoni on topics such as beauty, icons, projectuality in art, history of art and its supposed end - the main thread being, obviously, Paladino’s entire corpus.
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    Demetrios Rhodokanakis als Autor dreier Schriftstücke im Nachlass Karl Krumbachers.Andreas E. Müller - 2013 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 106 (1):83-90.
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  19. Some observations on the dating of S. Demetrios in Thessaloniki.W. E. Kleinbauer - 1970 - Byzantion 40:36-44.
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    Demetrio Paparoni, Cristo e l’impronta dell’arte.Tiziana Andina - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 65:195-197.
    Abbozzando nel Fedro una indagine genealogica sull’origine dell’arte, Platone coglie un tratto fondamentale. Si tratta del legame assai profondo che unisce l’arte alla regina delle proprietà estetiche, la bellezza. L’arte è portata a ricercare costantemente la bellezza, questa la tesi, poiché alla sua origine vi sarebbe una tensione erotica che trova nella bellezza, insieme, una via privilegiata di espressione e un elemento di attrazione. Una seconda e non meno autorevole genealogia dell’orig...
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  21. Aristotelismo e anti-aristotelismo di Demetrio.Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue - 1979 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 34 (1):3.
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  22. Due fonti laerziane: Sozione e Demetrio di Magnesia.F. Aronadio - 1990 - Elenchos 11 (1):203-255.
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    R. Flacelière, E. Chambry: Plutarque, Vies, tome xiii, Démétrios—Antoine. Pp. 231 . Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1977. 115 frs. [REVIEW]C. B. R. Pelling - 1979 - The Classical Review 29 (2):309-309.
  24.  35
    Demetrius On Style (N.) Marini (ed., trans.) Demetrio: Lo stile. (Pleiadi 4.) Pp. x + 353. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2007. Paper, €45. ISBN: 978-88-8498-352-. [REVIEW]Cecil W. Wooten - 2009 - The Classical Review 59 (2):372-.
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    Il pensiero e la speranza. Per una memoria del futuro.Gian Luca Barbieri - 2012 - Società Degli Individui 44:25-38.
    A partire da testi profondamente diversi come il Canzoniere petrarchesco e una raccolta di scritti autobiografici di pazienti oncologiche, l'autore compie un'indagine sul concetto di speranza, in particolare sulla sua dimensione temporale e sulla sua connessione con l'attivazione del pensiero. Con riferimenti teorici eterogenei che vanno da Bloch a Borgna, da Minkowski a Marcel, da Demetrio a Bénasayag e Schmit, dalla psicoanalisi alla teologia biblica e alla sociologia, si indagano gli aspetti regressivi e quelli evolutivi della speranza considerata come proiezione (...)
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    Francesca Niutta (ed.), Manuele Crisolora, Le due Rome. Confronto tra Roma e Costantinopoli. Con la traduzione latina di Francesco Aleardi. [REVIEW]Cristina Billò - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):236-238.
    Il libro si apre con un breve cenno agli ultimi eventi della vita di Crisolora per introdurre alcune osservazioni sulla figura del dotto bizantino dal punto di vista diplomatico. Nel 1397 Manuele Crisolora arriva a Firenze su invito di Coluccio Salutati e vi rimane tre anni, fino a quando, nel 1400, non raggiunge a Milano l'imperatore bizantino Manuele II Paleologo. Dopo un prolungato soggiorno a Pavia dal 1400 al 1403, continua la sua attività diplomatica come ambasciatore di Manuele II: è (...)
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    Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste.Enrico Piergiacomi - 2017 - Roma: Sapienza Università Editrice.
    Il presente studio indaga lo sviluppo della dottrina teologica degli Atomisti antichi, secondo cui gli dèi esistono, ma non si occupano in tutto o in parte di noi umani. Ritenuta per lungo tempo espressione di ateismo, essa è presentata qui come una teoria filosofica solida ed eticamente rilevante, perché offre una concezione positiva della natura divina. Il volume compie un’indagine sistematica dei testi teologici degli Atomisti, partendo dai frammenti di Democrito e di Epicuro, fino agli scritti degli Epicurei di età (...)
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    Manus, quae supplevit, inscripsit scholia Theophili Protospatharii. Galien, Théophile et le commentaire mélange aux Aphorismes d’Hippocrate.Christina Savino - 2020 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 113 (3):1025-1040.
    Galen’s commentary on the Hippocratic Aphorisms is transmitted by a large amount of Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts. Some of them remarkably display a “mixed” text, in which Galen’s commentary is combined with passages from the later commentator Theophilus. Most important among these is the Marc. gr. V 9 (coll. 1017), which inserts two large passages by Theophilus into the Galenic commentary (i. e. VI 1-38; VII 12-73). Both of them were copied by the late physician and student of John Argyropoulos (...)
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    The Political Topicality of Menander's Dyskolos.William M. Owens - 2011 - American Journal of Philology 132 (3):349-378.
    In Dyskolos, produced in 316 B.C.E., Menander implied his support for Demetrios of Phaleron and the Macedonian-backed oligarchy Demetrios headed as Epimelētēs. The play's mixed-class marriages involved only families that remained enfranchised under the oligarchy's wealth requirement. Thus, they did not indicate support for democratic egalitarianism, but citizen solidarity under the oligarchy. The play's ethical theme, epimeleia, solicitous care of those in need, implied support for the Epimelētēs personally. Knemon's rage evoked the mob that had condemned the previous (...)
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  30.  42
    Schooling and the new psychophysics.E. C. Poulton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):201-203.
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    O Racismo como ideologia do capital monopolista.Tatiana Lyra Lima Félix & Artur Bispo Dos Santos Neto - 2022 - Odeere 7 (2):5-18.
    O presente texto tem como propósito, primeiramente, prescrutar a gênese e a particularidade do racismo no modo de produção capitalista, para revelar a conexão íntima existente entre a ideologia do racismo e a ascendência do capital monopolista. Num segundo momento, pretende-se observar como o racismo se constitui como mecanismo fundamental para operar a divisão interna da classe trabalhadora, em que o capital constitui uma espécie de “aristocracia operária” para intensificar suas desumanizações contra os seres humanos racializados. Por fim, justifica-se o (...)
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  32. A definition of memory.E. M. Zemach - 1968 - Mind 77 (308):526-536.
  33. Grundgesetze Des sollens.E. Mally - 1927 - Mind 36 (141):124.
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  34. Representing shape in sight and touch.E. J. Green - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (4):694-714.
    We represent shape in both sight and touch, but how do these abilities relate to one another? This issue has been discussed in the context of Molyneux's question of whether someone born blind could, upon being granted sight, identify shapes visually. Some have suggested that we might look to real‐world cases of sight restoration to illuminate the relation between visual and tactual shape representations. Here, I argue that newly sighted perceivers should not be relied on in this way because they (...)
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  35. In L. Gleitman & M. Liberman.E. B. Zurif - 1995 - In E. E. Smith & D. N. Osherson (eds.), Invitation to Cognitive Science. MIT Press.
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    Analyse sémantique des Théories physiques.E. W. Beth - 1948 - Synthese 7 (3):206 - 207.
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  37. Material Alteration and Cognitive Activity in Aristotle's "De Anima".John E. Sisko - 1996 - Phronesis 41 (2):138 - 157.
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    Comment on Henry E. Allison: Kant’s Antinomy of Teleological Judgment.Klaus E. Kaehler - 1992 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 30 (S1):43-48.
  39. Plants, Partial Moral Status, and Practical Ethics.E. C. Terrill - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (1-2):184-209.
    Most authors who work with moral status automatically dismiss the possibility that plants are the kinds of entities that have moral status. This dismissal coheres with our intuitions about common-sense morality: if plants do not have moral status then we do not have any direct moral obligations to plant life. An implication of such a view is that any suggestion otherwise commits one to be in favour of an absurd conclusion. However, given the recent literature and empirical evidence on plant (...)
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    Schematic objects and relative identity.E. M. Zemach - 1982 - Noûs 16 (2):295-305.
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  41. Intersecções nos estudos sobre trajetórias e identidades.Cidriana Parenza E. Gisele Giuriolo - 2010 - In Naira Lisboa Franzoi (ed.), Trabalho, trabalhadores e educação: conjeturas e reflexões. Porto Alegre: Editora Evangraf.
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    On the adequacy of a type ontology.E. Zemach - 1975 - Synthese 31 (3-4):509 - 515.
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  43. On a supposed temporal/modal parallel.E. J. Lowe - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):195.
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  44. The Young Darwin and His Cultural Circle. A Study of Influences Which Helped Shape the Language and Logic of the First Drafts of the Theory of Natural Selection.E. Manier - 1980 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 31 (1):85-89.
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    Life Issues, Medical Choices: Questions and Answers for Catholics by Janet E. Smith and Christopher Kaczor.William E. May - 2010 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 10 (1):207-209.
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    Chronotopic thresholds: A feeling for the future.E. Jayne White, Catherine Matsuo, Fiona Westbrook, Caryl Emerson, Bridgette Redder, Mahtab Janfada, Dandan Cao & Mikhail Gradovski - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (10):935-945.
    E. Jayne Whitea, Catherine Matsuob and Fiona WestbrookcaUniversity of Canterbury; bFukuoka University; cAuckland University of Technology (AUT)This collective writing piece takes its points of depa...
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    Editorial - Special Issue, Foucauldian Spaces.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24:1-5.
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    Documented Chronology of Roumanian History from Pre-historic Times to the Present Day.E. T. Salmon - 1943 - Classical Weekly 37:67.
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  49. Zhitie prezhderozhdennogo, ili, Dzhataki o sėnsėe.E. A. Serdi︠u︡k - 1993 - Moskva: Maĭna.
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    Hibridização e gêneros do discurso em Recife frio, de Kleber Mendonça Filho.Adriana Pucci Penteado de Faria E. Silva - 2020 - Bakhtiniana 15 (2):97-118.
    RESUMO Neste trabalho, proponho uma leitura de aspectos discursivos do curta-metragem de ficção Recife frio, de Kleber Mendonça Filho, com o objetivo de refletir sobre como a hibridização de gêneros na obra, decorrente da presença de gêneros intercalados no filme, cria sentidos e provoca determinada postura na interlocução com os espectadores. Para tanto, discuto alguns conceitos-chave da teoria bakhtiniana, descrevo momentos específicos do curta-metragem e proponho análises pontuais de determinadas cenas ou sequências. A forma de diálogo com o corpus segue (...)
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